We pray for all whose lives are especially hard and challenging at this time; may they know God’s love and protection.
We pray for peace and reconciliation in the world, especially in Syria and in Afghanistan.
Pray for our brothers and sisters who work and worship at St John’s Cathedral, Stephen’s, Stanley and Discovery Bay. We continue to hold before God the Dean-designate, Matthias Der, and his family as they settle into their new life in Hong Kong. Ask for God’s blessing on Emmanuel Church that he may strengthen the hands of all who serve you here. Pray for the work and mission of the Anglican Province in Hong Kong, especially remembering Archbishop Paul Kwong. Pray for all children and teachers as they return to their schools after the summer holidays.
We pray for the sick and all in need of healing, or for anyone in any kind of trouble. Pray for the souls of the faithful departed; may they rest in peace and rise in glory.
A prayer for peace in our world

Make your ways known upon earth, Lord God,
your saving power among all peoples.
Renew your Church in holiness
and help us to serve you with joy.
Guide the leaders of all nations,
that justice may prevail throughout the world.
Let not the needy be forgotten,
nor the hope of the poor be taken away.
Make us instruments of your peace
and let your glory be over all the earth.
A prayer for the global financial crisis
Heavenly Father, with the financial crisis still going around the world, we pray that all leaders will use their common sense and make the right decisions to get us out of these trying times.
We especially pray for the millions who have lost their job and face an uncertain future. Give them hope, strength and the resolve to succeed in all their endeavours to find work.
We thank you for who you are, and for hearing and answering our prayers. May Your name be glorified and lifted up by all Christians at this trying time; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
A prayer for God’s guidance
Dear God, you know me. Don’t you? I’m not just a person on a bus or a train I’m not just another face on CCTV; or just another login name. I’m me, and I have stuff going on. Love life issues; bills to pay. Egos at work to deal with; an overflowing inbox. So please, give me strength. Guide me to focus on what’s really important. And help me make the most of every moment of this new day in this new month. Thank you.
A prayer for those visiting our website
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in your own image and gave us the will to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the person of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for the freedom of communication. Grant, we pray, that through our journeys in this website we may be led to charity, prayer, patience and greater understanding of each other and that we may discern more closely, your will for your pilgrims here on earth. To the glory of the Word made Flesh.
Fr Robert is available at any time in an emergency. He is available in Pokfulam or at his St John’s Anglican Cathedral office.
His mobile is: 6893 7715.
His office number at St John’s Anglican Cathedral is: 2523 4157.
If you cannot reach Fr Robert directly, there is always a St John’s Anglican Cathedral priest-on-call via the St John’s Anglican Cathedral office number: 2523 4157.
Fr Robert can also by contacted via email using the Emmanuel Church – Pokfulam contact us form.