Four Emmanuel Church Members Confirmed in St John’s Cathedral
Congratulations to Emmanuel Church parishioners, Tim Tsang, Andrea Kan, David Wong and Cheris Yuen who were Confirmed by Archbishop Paul Kwong on Easter Eve in St John’s Cathedral. Next day on Easter Sunday all four were welcomed back to Emmanuel to great applause by their parish priest Fr Nigel and a packed congregation. Below are some photos of both ceremonies in St John’s and Emmanuel Church.
Confirmation and baptism candidates with the Archbishop and Clergy immediately after the Confirmation Service.
from left; David Wong, Cheris Yuen, Andrea Kan, Fr Nigel and Tim Tsang
Bethanié Chapel was packed to capacity for Emmanuel’s Sung Eucharist on Easter Sunday
from left, sacristan Alex Lee, Tim Tsang, Andrea Kan, Fr Nigel, Cheris Yuen and David Wong
The newly Confirmed Emmanuel parishioners with Fr Nigel and Sacristan, Alex Lee at Emmanuel Church on Easter Sunday 2013