Farewell Chris & Lydia

On Sunday 28th February, the community bid farewell to two Emmanuel stalwarts, Chris and Lydia Erving.

As tokens of our love and gratitude for their distinguished service to Emmanuel for over 10-years, Fr Nigel presented Chris (a former churchwarden and treasurer) and Lydia with a farewell card signed by parishioners and a beautifully engraved wooden cross.

Chris and Lydia – you will be greatly missed at Emmanuel, but all of us offer you our very best wishes and blessings for your future happiness in Melbourne, Australia.  Fr Nigel

Happy Birthday!

Emmanuel's oldest and longest serving parishioner, May Large, cutting her birthday cake after church on Sunday 31st January.  At the end of the Sung Eucharist the entire congregation wished her well by singing Happy Birthday   led by Bryan Carter on the organ.  We love you loads May!!!!
Emmanuel’s oldest and longest-serving parishioner, May Large, cutting her birthday cake after church on Sunday 31st January. At the end of the Sung Eucharist the entire congregation wished her well by singing Happy Birthday led by Bryan Carter on the organ. We love you loads, May!!!!

Standing room only for 2015 Christmas Services

Emmanuel’s Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve as well as the Sung Eucharist for the Nativity on Christmas Day attracted the largest congregations at Emmanuel for years. Perhaps it was down to better promotion this year, or possibly because less ex-pats left Hong Kong for Christmas, Béthanie Chapel was packed to capacity for both services. The community’s pre-Christmas Nine Lessons and Carols Service led by Die Konzertisen Choir also packed out the chapel. All together, a fabulous 2015 Advent and Christmas season. Thanks be to God!

Christmas Day 2015 in Béthanie Chapel, the home of Emmanuel Church, Pokfulam.
Christmas Day 2015 in Béthanie Chapel, the home of Emmanuel Church, Pokfulam.


Fabulous Parish Family Day Out at the Seaside

Many thanks to everyone for such a fun-filled day on Park Island Beach on Saturday 24th October 2015. Thanks loads for all the great photos, many of which are included below. Enjoy!  Fr Nigel



Branna’s Special Day at Emmanuel

Packed Church for Ethan, Jonathan and Caitlin’s Baptism in Emmanuel

Alice’s Special Day at St John’s

Alice Poon  (3rd from left) with Fr Robert and Emmanuel Parishioners after being Confirmed by Archbishop Paul Kwong in St John's Cathedral on Saturday 29th November.  Congratulations Alice!
Alice Poon (3rd from left) with Fr Robert and Emmanuel Parishioners after being Confirmed by Archbishop Paul Kwong in   St John’s Cathedral on Saturday 29th November. Congratulations Alice!

Harvest Brunch on the Terrace


A delightful Brunch-on-the-Terrace followed this year’s Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 5th October was enjoyed by many Emmanuel Church parishioners. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way that helped make the day such a success.  A collection of non-perishable food was collected during the Sung Eucharist which will be donated to Bethune House, a rescue centre for domestic workers in Hong Kong.



The Emmanuel Rap

Emmanuel Church’s hilarious contribution to the St John’s 165th Anniversary Concert held in the Cathedral on Saturday 20th September 2014.  All credit to parishioner Sarah Gonnet for her fabulous lyrics and artistic direction.  The season of Advent will probably never be quite the same again at our little Pokfulam church 🙂  ENJOY!


Pre-Lent Brunch on the Terrace

After our Sung Eucharist on Sunday, 2nd March 2014, the Emmanuel Congregation gathered on the Béthanie Chapel Terrace for fellowship and a delightful Brunch. Many thanks to everyone who brought food and refreshments. A truly lovely pre-Lent Parish Family event!

All the Fun of the Fair!

Emmanuel’s ever-popular face painting stand at this year’s St John’s Michaelmas Fair raised over $5,000 for various local charities.  Below are some pictures that give a snapshot of a truly fun-filled day.  Enjoy!

Wednesday Night Together Group

On 6th November, eighteen members came together in Pokfulam for the first meeting of the new Wednesday Night Together group (WNT) organised by Fr Nigel and churchwarden Chris Erving. Wonderful food, wonderful fellowship and a wonderful relaxed atmosphere!  Thank you Chris and Lydia for being such gracious hosts.

WNT will now meet monthly for bible study, fellowship, special outings to interesting places and events in and around Hong Kong, It is open to any member of the Emmanuel congregation and especially newcomers. The next WNT will be on 11th December, details of which will be published in the pew sheet and on this website.

Our Harvest Thanksgiving & Brunch on the Terrace

Many parishioners and friends of Emmanuel Church gathered in Béthanie Chapel on Sunday 6th October for this year’s Harvest Thanksgiving Service.

During the Sung Eucharist, a large quantity of non-perishable food was presented and blessed at the altar before being taken to support the residents of Bethune House, a refuge centre for domestic workers in Hong Kong.

Following the service, a magnificent and joyful Brunch-on-the-Terrace was shared by those who stayed behind. It is hoped that the photos below convey the joy of this delightful annual event.

Emmanuel Church’s visit to the Hong Kong Museum, Kowloon

Emmanuel Parishioners on their way to The Splendours of Royal Costume - Qing Court Attire Exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum, Kowloon on Saturday 28th September 2013.
Emmanuel Parishioners on their way to The Splendours of Royal Costume – Qing Court Attire Exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum, Kowloon on Saturday 28th September 2013.
Emmanuel's Tour Bus to Hong Kong Museum Exhibition
Emmanuel’s Tour Bus to Hong Kong Museum Exhibition

Fr Nigel’s 60th Birthday Celebrations at Emmanuel and Hong Kong Club

Two truly wonderful and memorable occasions took place on the 8th and 10th September 2013 at Emmanuel Church Pokfulam and at the Hong Kong Club to celebrate Fr Nigel’s 60th Birthday.

Below are a few photos that capture the joyous spirit of both parties.

The Cantata Choir’s annual visit to Emmanuel – Trinity Sunday – 26 May 2013

It is with great pleasure that we announce the return of the Cantata Choir to Emmanuel Church on Trinity Sunday, 26 May 2013.  Choir members are alumni from the Ebenezer School for the visually impaired in Pokfulam.

The Cantata Choir at Emmanuel Church in May 2012
The Cantata Choir at Emmanuel Church in May 2012

This year’s visit will be the choir’s 11th time at Emmanuel, and during the Eucharist they will sing three spiritual songs, two in Chinese and one in English.

The Cantata Choir’s annual visit to Béthanie Chapel is always eagerly anticipated, and the Choir is one of this year’s designated charities being supported financially by the Emmanuel community.  At the end of the service, a presentation will be made to the choir director.

EVERYONE IS WELCOME to attend this special service at Emmanuel, which starts at 10:15am on Trinity Sunday, 26 May 2013.

Welcome aboard Fr. Robert!

During the Sung Eucharist on Sunday 14 April, Fr Robert Martin CMP was warmly welcomed by Priest-in-Charge, Fr Nigel Gibson, Dean Matthias Der and many parishioners of Emmanuel Church.

In holy orders for nearly 30 years, Fr Robert comes to Emmanuel as Associate Priest and brings to the community a wide-range of ministerial experience, with singular gifts and skills in liturgy and spirituality.  As well as assisting Fr Nigel on Sundays, Fr Robert will help Emmanuel develop and implement an outreach and evangelistic strategy in Pokfulam.

from left, Fr Robert, Fr Nigel and Dean Matthias Der at Emmanuel Church on the Third Sunday of Easter 2013
from left, Fr Robert, Fr Nigel and Dean Matthias Der at Emmanuel Church on the Third Sunday of Easter 2013

Four Emmanuel Church Members Confirmed in St John’s Cathedral

Congratulations to Emmanuel Church parishioners, Tim Tsang, Andrea Kan, David Wong and Cheris Yuen who were Confirmed by Archbishop Paul Kwong on Easter Eve in St John’s Cathedral.  Next day on Easter Sunday all four were welcomed back to Emmanuel to great applause by their parish priest Fr Nigel and a packed congregation. Below are some photos of both ceremonies in St John’s and Emmanuel Church.

Confirmation and baptism candidates with the Archbishop and Clergy immediately after the Confirmation Service.
Confirmation and baptism candidates with the Archbishop and Clergy immediately after the Confirmation Service.