On Sunday 28th February, the community bid farewell to two Emmanuel stalwarts, Chris and Lydia Erving.
As tokens of our love and gratitude for their distinguished service to Emmanuel for over 10-years, Fr Nigel presented Chris (a former churchwarden and treasurer) and Lydia with a farewell card signed by parishioners and a beautifully engraved wooden cross.
Chris and Lydia – you will be greatly missed at Emmanuel, but all of us offer you our very best wishes and blessings for your future happiness in Melbourne, Australia. Fr Nigel
Chris and Lydia Erving with Fr Nigel on the last Sunday at Emmanuel before their move to Melbourne
Emmanuel’s oldest and longest-serving parishioner, May Large, cutting her birthday cake after church on Sunday 31st January. At the end of the Sung Eucharist the entire congregation wished her well by singing Happy Birthday led by Bryan Carter on the organ. We love you loads, May!!!!
Emmanuel’s Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve as well as the Sung Eucharist for theNativity on Christmas Day attracted the largest congregations at Emmanuel for years. Perhaps it was down to better promotion this year, or possibly because less ex-pats left Hong Kong for Christmas, Béthanie Chapel was packed to capacity for both services. The community’s pre-Christmas Nine Lessons and Carols Service led by Die Konzertisen Choir also packed out the chapel. All together, a fabulous 2015 Advent and Christmas season. Thanks be to God!
Christmas Day 2015 in Béthanie Chapel, the home of Emmanuel Church, Pokfulam.
Delegates from the Diocese of Davao with retreat master, Fr Nigel, at the Mariners’ Club, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The general broad theme of the five day retreat was ‘Rekindling Ministry in the 21st Century and the Media’s Role in today’s Social Media’.Six delegates from the retreat were guests at the Sung Eucharist at Emmanuel on Sunday 23 October 2015
Four-year old Branna McElhatton was baptised at Emmanuel on Sunday 10th May. She is pictured here with her mother, Erin, her new godmother, Sarah Brennan and her new godfather Fr Nigel, who also baptised Branna. After the service, special refreshments were served in the hall followed by a delightful lunch in Central.
No Baptism would be complete without a Baptism Cake!
Branna’s gifts and baptism cards
Mum and Branna at the Baptism Lunch in Central
At the Baptism Lunch in Lan Kwai Fong, Central. From left, Fr Nigel, Erin, Branna, Sarah and Emmanuel’s associate priest, Fr Robert.
Alice Poon (3rd from left) with Fr Robert and Emmanuel Parishioners after being Confirmed by Archbishop Paul Kwong in St John’s Cathedral on Saturday 29th November. Congratulations Alice!
Forty parishioners, some very new to the community, enjoyed a delightful evening of fun, fellowship and fine food in the Hong Kong Country Club, Deep Water Bay on Saturday. 8th November. As one parishioner said later, “We both really enjoyed the opportunity to get to know everyone better, we had a great table and very funny moments.” Says it all!
Group Photo of parishioners at our Autumn Dinner in the lovely Hong Kong Country Club.
A delightful Brunch-on-the-Terrace followed this year’s Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 5th October was enjoyed by many Emmanuel Church parishioners. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way that helped make the day such a success. A collection of non-perishable food was collected during the Sung Eucharist which will be donated to Bethune House, a rescue centre for domestic workers in Hong Kong.
Emmanuel Church Parishioners and their Friends after being Confirmed in St John’s Cathedral by Archbishop Paul Kwong on Pentecost Sunday – 8th June 2014
Below is Emmanuel Church’s Report for the St John’s Cathedral Annual Church Meeting, held on Sunday 27 April 2014
It has been another very productive year for the Emmanuel community. We are stronger in worship, warmer in fellowship, deeper through discipleship, and getting larger through outreach and evangelism. New parishioners, and especially young families, continue to join Emmanuel. Some newer members now read the lessons or intercessions or are involved in the Sunday School ministry. Two others are now active committee members.
I believe there are a number of reasons why Emmanuel has prospered so well during the past year and why newcomers choose to make Béthanie their spiritual home…
First: the ongoing weekly laity-led Bible Study fellowship held in a parishioner’s home, usually attended by 8 people. I should like to record my sincere thanks to Eric and Stacey Usher for their unstinting commitment to this much-valued ministry throughout another year.
Second: the introduction of a monthly clergy-led Wednesday Night Together group, all of which have been held in Chris and Lydia Erving’s Pokfulam home. WNT has been well supported and usually attracts 15-18 parishioners of all ages. Without doubt, Chris and Lydia’s gracious and generous hospitality has played no small part in the success of this monthly gathering. A huge ‘Thank You’ to them!
Third: the return of the ever-popular Brunch-on-the-Terrace Sundays. Three were held over the year each attracting up to 50 parishioners and children. They are great fun, easy to organise, and everyone contributes something to the food and fellowship. More are planned for this year.
Fourth: last year’s successful Stewardship Campaign certainly helped Emmanuel achieve its highest level of financial growth in its 30-year history.
Fifth: a number of well organized and well attended visits to museums and exhibitions throughout the year were opportunities for parishioners to further get to know one another outside church.
These and other activities have done a lot to bring the parish family together. Strong personal friendships are developing all the time and these have helped make Béthanie a warm and welcoming place to be on any Sunday morning. Every visitor I speak to after church remarks on the friendliness of the community.
Under the joint leadership of Kate Moore and Erin McElhatton the Sunday School is in good heart. Together with four other teachers, Kate and Erin continue to make good use of Seasons of the Spirit material, an inclusive program integrating the learning, worship, and serving ministries of the Church. The Sunday School remains a fundamental part of Emmanuel’s ministry. The Sunday School now publishes its own quarterly newsletter.
Trinity Sunday saw the return of the Cantata Choir, alumni from the Ebenezer School for the blind and visually impaired in Pokfulam. It was the Choir’s 11th visit to Emmanuel and they will return this year on Sunday Ist June. As one of Emmanuel’s designated charities in 2013, the Cantata Choir was presented with a cheque for over $15K to help some members further their music studies.
Operation Smile was another designated charity in 2013 and Emmanuel raised over $23K to help further their mission. Operation Smile’s work involves funding operations to repair facial deformities, and the money we raised was enough for five children to have corrective surgery.
Emmanuel’s first Back to Church Sunday service was held last October. I think to everyone’s surprise (certainly mine) the chapel was packed to capacity for the Sung Eucharist. Publicity for the day was of a high standard and everyone seemed to get right behind the new venture. The committee has decided this year’s Back To Church Sunday will be combined with Harvest Thanksgiving in early October.
Despite miserable weather on the night, the chapel was full for the annual Nine Lessons and Carols Service. Without a doubt, Felix Yeung’s Die Konzertisten Choir added greatly to the service. For many choir members it was their first visit to Béthanie and they were delighted to perform in a space with such fine acoustics. I have already booked Die Konzertisten for our 2014 carol service.
There were 80 communicants at Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, about the same as in previous years. This year I invited a professional trumpeter to play from the gallery to support some of the carols, which added a nice touch of ‘theatre’ to the celebration. On Christmas Day morning there was standing room only for the Mass for the Nativity of our Lord. The atmosphere was terrific and the singing joyfully exuberant.
It is exactly a year since Fr Robert Martin joined Emmanuel as Associate Priest. It has been a hugely successful partnership, a real sharing of professional ministry, and perhaps, dare I suggest, even a model for the two other daughter churches to follow. Fr Robert and I come from much the same High Church Anglican stable and yet are able to offer Emmanuel our own distinctive gifts, and without in any way threatening one another. We meet regularly to discuss Emmanuel issues and share a lot of the day-to-day pastoral work.
I am especially grateful to Fr Robert for creating some excellent new liturgies. His broad experience in this area has equipped him with an intuitive insight into what works and what doesn’t in a church service. He is now about halfway through updating all our liturgies for everyone’s benefit at Emmanuel.
Next month Fr Robert will move to a new apartment in Pokfulam. At a stroke this will solve one of Emmanuel’s biggest problems in recent years – not having a clergy/church venue for occasional mid-week meetings in Pokfulam. I believe this development will be of enormous benefit to the community in the years’ ahead.
A highlight in Emmanuel’s calendar this year will undoubtedly be Fr Robert’s 30th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood. Archbishop Paul has kindly agreed to celebrate a Festive Sung Eucharist at 10:15am on Sunday 13th July. Members of Die Konzertisten Choir will lead the singing. This celebration will be the Archbishop’s first return to Emmanuel since my installation four years ago. Should be a wonderful day!
I’d like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of churchwardens Chris Erving and Wallace Lai, committee secretary Andrea Kan, Sunday School coordinators Kate Moore and Erin McElhatton and all the teachers, refreshments coordinator Jonathan Mok, and everyone else who serves on the Emmanuel Committee. Their generous support and encouragement to me personally and to the entire congregation is much appreciated and highly valued.
I should also like to give special thanks to Alex and Esme Lee, both of whom give so much to Emmanuel and ask for nothing in return. As sacristan, Alex has been at my side at every Sunday service over the past four years. That really is loyalty and dedication! All of us are richly blessed by Alex and Esme’s abiding presence at Emmanuel.
Last, but by no means least, I’d like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to our team of organists: Bryan Carter, Dave Werner, Gigi Lam and Jason Hung. Church organists often get taken for granted and rarely receive any praise or gratitude for their skills. We would certainly miss them if they were not there! Emmanuel is very fortunate to have such a strong team of musicians to lead our worship every week.
You will conclude from the above that all is well at Emmanuel and that 2014 promises to be another exciting and rewarding year in our Lord’s service.
After our Sung Eucharist on Sunday, 2nd March 2014, the Emmanuel Congregation gathered on the Béthanie Chapel Terrace for fellowship and a delightful Brunch. Many thanks to everyone who brought food and refreshments. A truly lovely pre-Lent Parish Family event!
Emmanuel Church Congregation on Sunday 2nd March 2014
Emmanuel’s ever-popular face painting stand at this year’s St John’s Michaelmas Fair raised over $5,000 for various local charities. Below are some pictures that give a snapshot of a truly fun-filled day. Enjoy!
Young Spiderman!
Michelle and daughter Caroline
Kate, Erin and young Cathedral Sunday School member
Andrea and Fr Nigel
Emmanuel’s Face Painting Stand
Fr Nigel with Ah Leung – Cathedral janitor
Emmanuel parishioners at work
Dear May, Emmanuel’s longest-serving parishioner at the Michaelmas Fair
Emmanuel Parishioners on their way to The Splendours of Royal Costume – Qing Court Attire Exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum, Kowloon on Saturday 28th September 2013.Emmanuel’s Tour Bus to Hong Kong Museum Exhibition
Two truly wonderful and memorable occasions took place on the 8th and 10th September 2013 at Emmanuel Church Pokfulam and at the Hong Kong Club to celebrate Fr Nigel’s 60th Birthday.
Below are a few photos that capture the joyous spirit of both parties.
It is with great pleasure that we announce the return of the Cantata Choir to Emmanuel Church on Trinity Sunday, 26 May 2013. Choir members are alumni from the Ebenezer School for the visually impaired in Pokfulam.
The Cantata Choir at Emmanuel Church in May 2012
This year’s visit will be the choir’s 11th time at Emmanuel, and during the Eucharist they will sing three spiritual songs, two in Chinese and one in English.
The Cantata Choir’s annual visit to Béthanie Chapel is always eagerly anticipated, and the Choir is one of this year’s designated charities being supported financially by the Emmanuel community. At the end of the service, a presentation will be made to the choir director.
EVERYONE IS WELCOME to attend this special service at Emmanuel, which starts at 10:15am on Trinity Sunday, 26 May 2013.
During the Sung Eucharist on Sunday 14 April, Fr Robert Martin CMP was warmly welcomed by Priest-in-Charge, Fr Nigel Gibson, Dean Matthias Der and many parishioners of Emmanuel Church.
In holy orders for nearly 30 years, Fr Robert comes to Emmanuel as Associate Priest and brings to the community a wide-range of ministerial experience, with singular gifts and skills in liturgy and spirituality. As well as assisting Fr Nigel on Sundays, Fr Robert will help Emmanuel develop and implement an outreach and evangelistic strategy in Pokfulam.
from left, Fr Robert, Fr Nigel and Dean Matthias Der at Emmanuel Church on the Third Sunday of Easter 2013
Congratulations to Emmanuel Church parishioners, Tim Tsang, Andrea Kan, David Wong and Cheris Yuen who were Confirmed by Archbishop Paul Kwong on Easter Eve in St John’s Cathedral. Next day on Easter Sunday all four were welcomed back to Emmanuel to great applause by their parish priest Fr Nigel and a packed congregation. Below are some photos of both ceremonies in St John’s and Emmanuel Church.
Confirmation and baptism candidates with the Archbishop and Clergy immediately after the Confirmation Service.
from left; David Wong, Cheris Yuen, Andrea Kan, Fr Nigel and Tim Tsang
Bethanié Chapel was packed to capacity for Emmanuel’s Sung Eucharist on Easter Sunday
from left, sacristan Alex Lee, Tim Tsang, Andrea Kan, Fr Nigel, Cheris Yuen and David Wong
The newly Confirmed Emmanuel parishioners with Fr Nigel and Sacristan, Alex Lee at Emmanuel Church on Easter Sunday 2013
Dean-designate of St John’s Cathedral, Canon Matthias Der (centre) was welcomed to Emmanuel Church by priest-in-charge, Fr Nigel Gibson, churchwardens Chris Erving and Wallace Lai, and sacristan Alexander Lee on Sunday 30 September. Canon Matthias will be installed as Dean in the Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist on Saturday, 13 October at 17:00.