Emmanuel Church – Pok Fu Lam is an English speaking Anglican / Church of England / Episcopal Church serving the west of Hong Kong island. We pride ourselves on being a friendly, inclusive, English speaking community in the Anglican / Church of England / Episcopal tradition. Emmanuel Church – Pokfulam is a daughter church of St John’s Anglican / Episcopal Cathedral, Hong Kong.

In December 2006 the English speaking Anglican / Episcopal community that makes up Emmanuel Church – Pokfulam moved to our new home: the George C. Tso Memorial Chapel at Béthanie. This beautifully restored neo-gothic Chapel at Béthanie is a heritage building built by the Missions Etrangères de Paris (the French Mission) in 1875. Click here to see pictures of Béthanie the home of Emmanuel Church – Pokfulam.
Every Sunday at Emmanuel Church – Pokfulam we celebrate a Sung Eucharist at 10:30am except on the first Sunday of the month when we have a 10:30am Family Service.
Many who worship at Emmanuel have young families and we encourage their children to join our growing Sunday School at 10:30am called Emmanuel Kids.
One of the most distinctive things about our church is our name. In the Anglican Communion, churches dedicated to Emmanuel are rare. Throughout the pages of the Bible over 150 names and titles are given for Jesus. Whether he is called Son of God, Son of Man, Son of David, the Alpha and the Omega, Wonderful Counsellor, or Lamb of God, each of these names and titles is rich with meaning and say something about who Jesus is.
There is no name more significant than Emmanuel. This name was first given to Jesus by the prophet Isaiah 700 years before his birth (Isaiah 7:14). And St Matthew tells us precisely what this special name means: God with us. In other words: Jesus Christ is Emmanuel – God with us.
At Emmanuel Church, Pokfulam we welcome visitors as well as permanent and temporary residents from all over the world. Whatever their background or circumstances, everyone is invited into a loving relationship with God in a fellowship of unconditional acceptance. We hope you will come and see us soon but meanwhile have fun browsing our website.
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We hope what you find on the Emmanuel Church – Pokfulam website will inspire you to come and see us soon – if you do, you can be assured of the warmest of welcomes!
The Revd Robert Martin CMP
Priest-in-Charge of Emmanuel Church – Pokfulam
A daughter Church of St John’s Anglican / Church of England / Episcopal Cathedral, Hong Kong